To be eligible for the Turbo Courselet, a TypeWell transcriber must successfully complete the Basic Skills Course and have at least six months of experience providing TypeWell speech-to-text services.
Six months after graduating from the Basic Skills Course, the transcriber's TypeWell account will automatically display a "Start" button under the "Courselets" tab:
Click the "Start" button to proceed with the courselet payment and registration.
NOTE: If a transcriber trained prior to 2007, he or she may not have a TypeWell account yet. In that case, please contact us with the transcriber's name and the year they were trained. We'll verify the transcriber's history and create a new TypeWell account.
- We will consider an earlier start date on a case-by-case basis. Please contact us if you believe a transcriber with fewer than 6 months of experience will benefit from taking the courselet.