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Provide captions for YouTube Live events using TypeWell and StreamText

For events that are being streamed live on YouTube, it is possible for a TypeWell provider to transcribe the live audio and embed captions into the YouTube Live player using StreamText, a third-party streaming text platform.

Important considerations, tips, and instructions:
  • Because YouTube does not support deletes/edits, it's very important that you set up the StreamText event with a 3+ second delay, to allow your translations and edits to be completed before StreamText sends your captions over to the YouTube server.
  • YouTube Live introduces its own delay into the captions, so the transcriber will need a way to listen directly to the live audio from the event (rather than watching the streamed video of the event and then transcribing it). This will minimize the cumulative delay for viewers.
  • When setting up your event in the StreamText dashboard, choose TypeWell - Simple Serial Linking.
  • In the TypeWell Link menu, select the "by Simple Serial" option (NOT "by StreamText"). 
  • The Simple Serial linking method mode does not support some of TypeWell's special features such as Math Mode; however, this simpler "serial" parsing format is what is compatible with the live streaming platforms.
  • Before your event, it's critical to read through StreamText's help article and follow all of their instructions (including a test session with your client, if possible): Providing Captions for YouTube Live Events

NOTE: StreamText.Net and TypeWell are separate entities. StreamText requires admins to create an account, schedule streaming events in advance, and pay by-the-minute for the use of this streaming text service. For more information about StreamText pricing and features, please visit their website directly:

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