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Remote linking methods

Setting up Remote Services using TypeWell Web Linking

The simplest way to stream text from TypeWell is to use our Web Linking platform. The transcript is sent from the transcriber's computer to the TypeWell Web server. Readers then view the live transcript on a secure webpage using any standard Web browser. This has the advantage that the reader doesn't need to install special software; any Web browser will suffice.

Web Linking provides an excellent reading experience with the ability to display the transcript on devices such as iPads and smartphones. Readers can adjust the font and send a message to the transcriber.

TypeWell's Web Linking platform supports font formatting and special symbols and characters when the transcriber uses math mode.

Setting up Remote Services using a third-party streaming text service (e.g. StreamText, 1CapApp)

StreamText and 1CapApp are examples of third-party streaming text platforms that provide multiple options:

  1. Similar to TypeWell's Web Linking, the text can be sent from the TypeWell Transcriber program to the third-party web server. Readers view the live transcript using a web browser that points to a webpage on the third-party site.  OR
  2. These applications can also serve as a "bridge" between TypeWell and other videoconferencing platforms such as Zoom, Adobe Connect, Blackboard Collaborate, YouTube Live, etc. For this to work, the TypeWell transcriber must typically install an extra application, such as StreamText Connector or 1CapApp's 1Connect program.

For detailed instructions, see: 

How to use StreamText Linking

NOTE: StreamText and 1CapApp require users to create an account and pay by-the-minute for their streaming text service. They also require advance scheduling within their respective admin dashboards. For more information and pricing, please visit their websites:

Some benefits and features provided by these alternative platforms include:

  • reader's ability to highlight text or type notes directly into the same webpage as the live transcript
  • integration with online meeting services such as Zoom, Adobe Connect Pro, Cisco WebEx, Blackboard, etc.
  • with StreamText, the StreamCast app can be used to overlay the captions during on-screen presentations, which is useful for conferences and other events

Are you connecting TypeWell with another third-party app or streaming text platform? Let us know so we can update this article!

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