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Experienced transcribers wanted greater flexibility to customize their Personal Abbreviation List based on class, subject, student, campus, etc. So, we developed these powerful MultiPAL features (introduced in V7) for the TypeWell Transcriber software.

Customizable Dictionary

Use the same abbreviation for different words, depending on the class or context you're transcribing in. If you share a laptop with other transcribers, you have the freedom to use your abbreviations and they can use theirs, without any confusing conflicts.

IR could expand to "Industrial Revolution" in History class, or "Internal Resistance" in Physics class.

The MultiPAL feature lets you create, import, edit, and configure multiple tabs — or abbreviation lists — on one computer. Enable/disable one or more tabs, drag and drop to reorder, and then assign each configuration to a PAL profile. Configure up to 9 different PAL profiles on a single machine, using the function keys (F4 through F12) to instantly switch between profiles.

Turn on your Algebra PAL by pressing F4, then switch to F5 for History.

If you have a "universal" list (for example, abbreviations that you love to use in every class or that you share with your whole staff), simply keep that list enabled across all PAL profiles.


Back up your PAL, copy or move it to another machine, or share with another transcriber.

Export the PAL file to a thumb drive, or email it to yourself or a colleague.

A screen recording shows the PAL window in TypeWell Transcriber. A tab called

Then import the file when and where you need it.

A screen recording shows the PAL window in TypeWell Transcriber. An empty tab on the top right  is selected and the mouse clicks on

Laura Paulsen profile photo

"I just wanted to say THANKS for the import/export feature in V7. I forgot how important my PAL is until I was stuck without it one day. Now I'll export it and leave it in my email for a backup."
Laura Paulsen, Transcriber (Idaho)

Powerful PAL Editing

The "Days" column in the PAL window shows how many days have elapsed since you last used each abbreviation. You can sort each column in the PAL, alphabetically by abbreviation, alphabetically by expansion, or by the number of days idle.

Copy/Cut/Paste between lists in your MultiPAL.

Batch select and delete to quickly remove last semester's abbreviations.

(This video does not contain audio.)

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