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Understanding TypeWell's Remote Services

As many of you know, TypeWell has been a forerunner in providing training to foster a new generation of adept transcribers to serve the broader industry. Stepping further, in 2018 we initiated offering direct remote transcription services, envisioning to bridge the service gaps and assist institutions grappling with transcriber shortages.

In line with our dedication to maintain a transparent and collaborative relationship with all our stakeholders, we have compiled an FAQ that sheds light on this evolution, focusing on ensuring optimal service quality while nurturing a supportive ecosystem with our partners.

We invite you to explore this FAQ, delineated with a spirit of openness, where we address various pertinent questions surrounding our remote transcription services. Our objective remains — to facilitate informed decisions while fostering a community grounded in integrity, quality, and collaboration.

Balancing Training and Service Provision

Why hasn't TypeWell advertised direct transcription services more prominently?

We began offering direct transcription services to address service gaps and to assist institutions facing shortages.  We have approached this expansion with a measured pace to maintain a supportive ecosystem with our existing partners and the teams we train in-house.

We are deeply committed to the unique value that on-site transcribers offer to students, which remains a central focus in our mission — to foster the best possible service for students. This mission can be realized through training adept transcribers for the broader industry or by providing transcription services directly.

As we grow in this direction, we are actively reaching out to more institutions, highlighting our new offerings while adhering to our foundational goal of promoting a well-trained transcriber workforce.

Has the focus shifted entirely to remote services given the growth in that area?

Not at all. Our primary mission is still to develop a workforce of highly-skilled transcribers. We believe strongly in the value of on-site services; the firsthand classroom experience is irreplaceable and generally results in a higher level of service compared to remote offerings.

However, we recognize that many experienced transcribers are now located in areas where they can work only remotely. We want to support them in continuing their valuable work while helping to fill service gaps where needed. Remote services have their place, complementing on-site offerings and providing a solution in situations where on-site services are not feasible.

If you are interested in fostering more on-site transcriber roles or have questions regarding training, please get in touch with our Assistant Director of Education, Janet Fedorchuk.

How does TypeWell navigate its dual role as both the sole provider of TypeWell software/training and a direct service "agency," particularly when it comes to potential conflicts of interest?

We understand that if you're offering TypeWell services, your transcribers have been trained through our program—there's no other way. Therefore, we acknowledge the investments made by other agencies and institutions in using our training. Our intention is not to compete but to complement; the demand for quality transcription services is significant, and there's room for multiple providers to flourish. In alignment with ethical business practices, we maintain a strict policy of transparency and open communication. Should clients mistakenly contact us thinking we're their existing TypeWell service provider, we immediately refer them back to their established agency or vendor.

Moreover, while we are proud to offer direct transcription services, our foundational mission centers on education and fostering a community of skilled transcribers. With this in mind, we contract only transcribers who have at least three years of experience in the field. This allows training sponsors (employers) ample time to recoup their investment in training and ensures that we are not siphoning off newly-trained talent.

What if we already work with a different remote agency?

If you are satisfied with the services from your current remote agency, we encourage you to continue that partnership. We are here to support the TypeWell community in all its forms, and that includes successful collaborations with other agencies!

Operational Details

Does TypeWell provide in-person transcription services?

At this time, we have chosen to focus exclusively on remote transcription services, a decision guided by various logistical and operational considerations. While recognizing the special benefits that come with in-person services, we are fully committed to offering remote services that are both high-quality and responsive to your needs. We continuously strive to provide a service that is not just a fallback, but a first-rate option for our clients.

How does TypeWell handle scheduling and administrative tasks?

Scheduling and administration are integral aspects of our remote services division. We have a dedicated team working meticulously to ensure that our transcribers are well-prepared for each assignment. Every service request, whether made via email, phone, or through our service request form, is acknowledged, scheduled, and confirmed promptly.
For our clients with regular service requests, we develop customized service request forms tailored to their specific needs and settings, streamlining the process even further.
We rely on a sophisticated process documentation platform to manage workflows across all operations, ensuring efficiency and effectiveness in service delivery.

Can TypeWell accommodate short-notice requests for transcription services?

While we always encourage advance notice for optimal scheduling and preparation, we understand that unexpected needs arise. Our scheduling team is agile and responsive, and we do our best to accommodate short-notice requests. Our cross-trained staff and the support infrastructure we have in place position us to be adaptive to the dynamic needs of our clients.

What is TypeWell’s policy for canceling services if we find a better fit elsewhere or if our needs change?

We maintain a flexible cancellation policy that takes into consideration the unique needs of every client. If you find a better fit elsewhere or your needs change, we encourage open communication to understand how we can better serve you or to facilitate a smooth transition to a different service provider. Specific terms of service cancellations can be discussed and tailored according to your preferences and requirements.

Service Specifics and Quality Assurance

How does TypeWell ensure the smooth running of transcription services during long and technical sessions?

For sessions that are particularly long, such as those exceeding 75 minutes, TypeWell typically assigns a team of two transcribers to maintain the quality and consistency of the transcription. This approach not only ensures transcription accuracy but also safeguards our transcribers' well-being. For technical or specialized sessions, our transcribers are often those who have completed advanced courses, like the Turbo Courselet and Math Mode Basics. In cases where the content is highly technical, we may request additional prep time or even opt for teaming based on content level. Our commitment is to always deliver accurate and timely transcriptions regardless of session complexity.

How can I be assured of the technical competency of TypeWell transcribers, particularly for courses with specialized vocabulary?

TypeWell transcribers undergo rigorous training, starting with our Basic Skills Course, which establishes a strong foundation in real-time transcription techniques. Beyond this, many of our transcribers pursue advanced courses and skill-building workshops. For courses with specialized vocabulary, transcribers are expected to review materials in advance, ensuring they're familiar with the content. If a course requires a level of expertise beyond what we can provide, we may recommend transferring the assignment to a specialist or CART provider, always ensuring the quality of transcription remains paramount.

What kind of quality assurance measures are in place for TypeWell’s transcription services?

TypeWell's quality assurance measures are comprehensive and designed to maintain a high standard of service. We review our transcribers’ transcripts each evening before delivering them to clients, to ensure that they adhere to established guidelines and to identify and address potential issues.  We capture audio quality ratings from our transcribers after each session, so that we can proactively address any recurring issues to ensure seamless service delivery. Our continuous evaluation process ensures our transcribers are always up-to-date with best practices, maintaining the highest level of expertise and professionalism.

Compliance and Confidentiality

What measures does TypeWell implement to ensure confidentiality and comply with HIPAA and FERPA regulations?

Complying with HIPAA and FERPA regulations is fundamental in our service provision, upheld through secure technology and detailed operational guidelines.

HIPAA Compliance:
  • Our Web Linking platform utilizes HTTPS/SSL and custom encryption to ensure secure data transmission.
  • We temporarily retain encrypted data logs to assist with potential transcript recovery; these are regularly deleted to maintain privacy.
  • Clients have the option to request immediate data deletion following transmission for additional security.
  • Our team, encompassing both employees and contractors, adhere to strict confidentiality standards to ensure compliance.
FERPA Compliance:
  • We adhere to FERPA regulations, emphasizing the protection of students' educational records.
  • Post-event, transcripts are handled responsibly: they are edited to remove identifiable information before secure sharing for student use. At the end of each term, we delete these files from our local hard drives, unless advised otherwise.
  • We foster open communication with service providers, encouraging discussions on the selection of secure audio/video platforms and complying with policies surrounding the retention and deletion of electronic documents.

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